1 X SFHMBBB3.2KVA-WIFI - Hybrid Inverter with MPPT Charge
1 X SFLPW2.56KW-E Lithium Ion Battery
4 X SFJA460W - Solar Panels
Installations Accesories
The following assumptions were used to build this kitt:
Total Power to be drawn from system is broken down as
1X 300W Fridge running for 3-4 hours a day
1X 70W TV running for 6 hours a day
1X 6W WIFI Router running for 24 hours a day
5X 7W Cellphone charger running for 3 hours a day
10X 3W Lights running for 6 hours a day
NB: This kitt can take on additional loads however check with your installer/agent/supplier to confirm.
Please note that additional cables and accessories are included in this kitt.